Dermaroller Therapy

Dermaroller therapy or collagen induction therapy (CIT) is a relatively new concept which helps to stimulate collagen quite significantly to reduce the appearance of acne scarring and wrinkles. The main principle in this process involves skin needling which is done to stimulate the body’s own production of collagen. It involves using a sterile roller comprised of a series of fine, sharp needles to puncture the skin. This process is usually performed under local anaesthetic, where the device is "rolled" over the surface of the face to create multiple microscopic channels, deep into the dermis of the skin, which stimulate the body to produce new collagen.

We use different types of devices for this therapy: ranging from models with a needle length of only 0.02mm designed for "at home" use to rollers with needles of 1.5mm designed to be used as a professional treatment by a trained practitioner. During the process the skin is numbed using a special cream for around half an hour prior to treatment. The treatment times can range from 10 minutes to an hour depending on the size of the area being treated. Once the treatment is complete, the skin becomes pink or red and at times there may be minor bruising too. However, the person is able to return to work the following day very easily. A few people who have undergone and exceptionally aggressive treatment (for severe lines or scarring) may take slightly longer to recover.

Depending on the skin condition of the person and to achieve best possible results, we recommend an initial cycle of 2 to 3 treatments. Since the new collagen formation in the skin needs time to mature, we propose an interval of 6 weeks before the next CIT is commenced. As your skin continues to age we recommend that an annual refresher of CIT should be undertaken regularly.

Advantages of the Collagen Induction Therapy (Dermaroller) with CIT Roller:

If we compare CIT with the conventional peeling methods, the NEEDLING with the Dermaroller has a lot of advantages. The most important being the epidermis, the natural skin protection barrier, remains intact in this therapy! While the micro-prick channels in the epidermis have closed within hours, under its protection shield a new collagen structure starts to form on the dermis. As the natural epidermis is NOT removed, more or less all common negative side effects and risks of chemical peeling and laser-resurfacing can be neglected.

Important features:

  • Minimal risks
  • Cost effective
  • Short healing period within days
  • No permanent injury of the dermis
  • No sun-sensitivity after the treatment
  • Out-patient treatment with topical (cream) anesthesia
  • CIT can be repeated without any restriction




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